
I'm Sophie, and I'm here to share my love of cooking (and eating).

I believe in the power and delight of a home cooked meal. Not only the emotional benefits: the rituals, the togetherness, the delight - but the physical ones, too: eating healthier, saving money, buying local. 

But, I also know (from personal experience) how tough it can be to bring yourself to cook. We’re exhausted, we’re busy, we have plans - even when it comes to something as simple as grocery shopping or preparing a few things in advance, one minor hiccup can throw an entire week off the rails. Plus, I don’t think anyone wants to spend their entire, glorious Sunday meal prepping.

I was raised on the ethos of every meal being homemade (with restaurants joyfully reserved for special occasions, or moments of dire hanger). Over the past 13 years I’ve spent my weeks almost exclusively making my own meals, and from that learned not only how to be a better cook (those close to me can confirm you did not want to eat 22 year old Sophie’s cooking) but how to more easily integrate daily cooking into a very busy life. With friends and colleagues constantly asking for advice and recipes, I decided to start Serial Home Cooking as a source of inspiration and knowledge, with the belief that everyone should feel that they too can cook for themselves on a daily basis.