Challenge: Eat Like A European

Eating in Europe is, in a word, a dream. Traveling for my first time in Italy, the days were filled with: Exquisite espresso and cappuccinos made of only full fat milk. Cheese and bread. More cheese and bread. Drinks and food before eating dinner. Fresh pasta.  Wine. More wine. Fatty meats and pates. Drinks after dinner. Rich desserts. More wine. 

Notably, the days were not filled with overweight people.

I love how, in Europe, eating good food is so important to culture, but overindulging is not. Eating is about spending time with your family and friends, sitting for hours with no distractions. Vegetables are local, fat is important, and you know where your meat comes from. It's not about calories in/calories out, but rather the avoidance of processed foods, preservatives, and, instead, focusing on local, seasonal, simple, and flavorful. Even desserts, while packed with sugar, are made with fresh local cream, no chemicals, and, dare I say, are good for you? There, I said it.

A large part of transitioning to a life of joie de vivre has to do with food. No more lattes while running down 8th Avenue, no absentmindedly sitting at my desk eating some microwaved something out of a plastic container. Sitting and actually paying attention to what you eat, and enjoying it with company, is what helps Europeans be more present, healthful, and conscientious about what they're eating. As a result, they're not obese.

That's how I want to live, and eat. To the farmer's market I go!


LifestyleSophie Jewkes