Sunday Funday vs. the Sunday Scaries
There seem to be two philosophies when it comes to Sunday.
One is that Sunday’s are for pure fun, for going all out and enjoying all the weekend has to offer (often resulting in a hungover Monday, not a great way to kick off the week and oh, you didn’t get any of your errands done).
The other is that Sunday’s mean the weekend is already over, and it’s time to shop/clean/meal prep and do every errand under the sun (leaving you with only one weekend day to relax, and elongating the misery you feel during every work day).
I, however, just like to see Sunday as Sunday.
Sunday is one-half of your weekend. It should be enjoyed like a weekend - this isn’t a time for work or stress, but the last chance you get to relax before getting back in the work week game. It’s a day to spend doing things you want to do.
Need to run errands? Make them fun! Head to the market instead of the grocery store and enjoy nice weather. Peruse some new clothes at Target while also picking up detergent. Buy your favorite coffee to sip while getting your oil changed. Look for ways to incorporate happiness into things that “need” to be done.
Need to prepare for the week? Do it while having fun today! I love cooking big dinners on Sundays, so while I’m cooking I can prepare other things I need for the week like delicious leek soup. It doesn’t take up any extra time than I already would be spending doing something I love and want to do. Need to pay some bills? Do it with a facemask on.
For some, Sundays are a couch day, while for others they’re a “be out and do everything” day. I recommend a balance. Sit in front of Netflix all day and you’ll feel the whole last day of your weekend is wasted. For others, they’re out until 9 pm and feel they never had a chance to relax. Balance that all out! Sleep in and have a lazy morning before meeting up with friends, or get your to do’s done before noon so you can watch a movie at night.
And, the biggest realization of them all: some things can be saved for during the week. Go grocery shopping Monday after work. No one said you couldn’t spend 15 minutes cleaning up the bathroom on Wednesday before bed. Spread out your chores and they feel like a less daunting, all day affair.
Really, truly, start to enjoy Sundays again.